Asian Lady Beetles
The multicolored Asian lady beetle (Harmonia axyridis) is a red to orange “round-top” beetle that is about 1/3” long with black spots and white markings behind the head. Asian beetles have been known to pinch people and stain structures. These beetles usually do not bother us in the summer, but later in the season, when the nights get cooler and especially after the first freeze, we see these beetles head for shelter. These beetles are considered an overwintering pest.

Can Asian lady beetles harm me?
Multicolored Asian lady beetles do not sting and have not been known to cause any human disease. However, Rhinoconjunctivitis and mild skin irritations have been reported with the multicolored Asian lady beetle. They also have been known to give a slight pinch.
Do Asian lady beetles cause damage?
If a home or business experiences a large number of these beetles, there are cases where staining and odor has been known to occur. For the most part the biggest issues is that they are a nuisance pest and are not tolerated by many people indoors.
What can I do?
Multicolored Asian lady beetles are an overwintering pest. In the Fall, sealing gaps in the foundation, fixing door seals or pipe entries will help, but these critters seem to find their way in. As a home owner, you can vacuum the pests up and remove them as they appear. With the Asian lady beetle make sure you use the hose end or shut the beater off on the bottom. The beater on the vacuum will agitate the live beetles and they can release an unpleasant order. In addition, they have been known
to stain a variety of surfaces due to “reflex bleeding”. If you are seeing them in the winter, they are in your home or building and you will probably see them throughout the winter months.
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best prevention from these beetles is to have your home treated by Terminator Pest Control in the Fall (preferably September). This will create a barrier on the structure and greatly reduce insects from entering your home or business. We will also make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
The Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) and the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus
fuscus) are one of the most common bats that Terminator Pest Control finds in
Wisconsin homes and businesses. Unfortunately, the little brown bat and other
cave dwelling bats are threatened with a fungal disease, known as white-nose
syndrome (WNS). According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources, WNS poses a severe threat to all four of Wisconsin’s cave bat
species: big brown bat, little brown bat, northern long-eared bat and eastern
pipistrell. Little brown bats are a very beneficial insectivorous mammal since
they can harvest 1000 mosquitoes an hour!

Can bats harm me?
Bats can bite and have been known to be linked to several diseases. Bats have been known to carry rabies. According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, a small percent of bats in the wild carry rabies. You can reduce your risk by never touching a bat on the ground or one that looks injured. Bats have been known to carry Histoplasmosis which is a fungus that grows in large numbers of bat droppings (guano).
Do bats cause damage?
Bats can cause structural damage from their guano and urine in a house or business. Bat guano and urine can build up to large quantities over time that could weaken the ceiling of drywall or sheetrock. If bats have been occupying a home or business space for many years, the insulation and guano should be removed and replaced with new insulation after bats have been excluded from the structure.
What can I do?
It is best to call a professional bat exclusion expert. Make sure that they have been doing bat exclusion for several years and follow the Wisconsin moratorium for bat exclusion. Stay away from any company that uses poisons or fumigant to remove or kill bats. This is one pest you do not want to tackle on your own!
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best way to control and exclude bats is to call Terminator Pest Control. We will inspect your home or building for points of entry and structural conditions that may contribute to a bat infestation. We will seal off and exclude all entry points including a one-way door for the bats to escape and not return. Note: Due to WNS, the Wisconsin DNR enforces a moratorium from June 1st thru August 15st where we typically refrain from bat exclusion.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are typically a human blood feeding parasite. They are light to mahogany brown and about 3/16” long. These bugs are flat unless they have recently fed. Bed bugs can move from room to room but mostly are found around the food source…you. Females will continue to lay eggs as long as she has access to a blood meal. An infestation from a single pregnant female can reach 5,000 bed bugs within a six month period.

Can bed bugs harm me?
Bed bugs do not sting but do have the capability of piercing the skin and extracting blood. Even though bed bugs feed on human blood, there are no known cases of bloodborne diseases from bedbugs. However, there are cases of secondary infections from people itching and scratching from insect bites. Some people exhibit symptoms such as rashes and allergic reactions from the insect bite.
Do bed bugs cause damage?
Bed bugs have not been known to cause structural damage but high concentrations may render furniture, beds and bed-frames contaminated and unusable.
What can I do?
Bed bugs are known to be great hitchhikers. They will enter your home or business by latching on to a piece of furniture, clothing, luggage or other personal belongings. Refrain from bringing home secondhand or used furniture since they have been linked to some cases bed bug introduction. When traveling, make sure you perform a thorough inspection of your hotel room such as box springs edge guards, wooden frames, mattresses, headboards, pictures and other furniture. Make sure you check your clothing and personal items before bringing them back into your home of business. Awareness and education is the key to knowing what to look for and will help reduce your chances of bringing bed bugs home. If you think you have bed bugs, send Terminator Pest Control a picture or send us an insect sample for proper identification. This is one pest you do not want to tackle on your own!
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best prevention from bed bugs is to have your home or business treated by Terminator Pest Control. We can offer several types of bed bug services: Thermal Remediation, Steam Treatments and traditional Chemical Treatments. We will properly identify the bed bug and then develop a strategic application and treatment program specifically designed to control bed bugs. We will also make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
Beetles are insects that have two sets of wings and limited vison. Some beetles are beneficial while others can cause damage to homes and buildings. These beetles vary in sizes, shapes and colors. Common beetles that may enter our structures are ground beetles, fungus beetles, plaster beetles and powderpost beetles.

Can beetles harm me?
Beetles do not sting and have not been known to cause any human disease. Some beetles have very large mandibles that are able to pinch and puncture skin. They are considered to be a nuisance pest.
Do beetles cause damage?
Many species of beetles, like the powder post beetle, can cause severe damage to wooden structures or products made of wood. Most beetles are occasional invaders and are considered to be a nuisance pest.
What can I do?
As a home owner, you can vacuum ground beetles and remove them as they appear and make sure your home or business is properly pest proofed. If you are dealing with the plaster and fungus beetle, keeping your windows shut will help because these beetles are small enough to enter most screens. If you are dealing with powderpost beetles, it is best to call Terminator Pest control. Powderpost beetles are known to cause severe structural damage!
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best prevention from these beetles is to have your home treated by Terminator Pest Control throughout the summer months. This will create a barrier on the structure and reduce insects from entering your home or business. If you are dealing with powderpost beetles, you will need Terminator Pest Control to come out and provide a thorough inspection. We will then develop a specific treatment plan to control and prevent powderpost beetle infestations. We will also make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
Boxelder Bugs
The boxelder bug (Boisea trivittatus) is a true bug. This bug can be identified as a 1/2” long black bug, with red “X” marking on the wing covers. It also has 3 red lines on the pronotum (the part of the insect right behind the head). This insect cannot bite but will fly and crawl around and become a nuisance. Population numbers of boxelder bugs are associated with amounts of rain fall throughout the summer months. This bug is considered to be an overwintering pest.

Can boxelder bugs harm me?
Boxelder bugs do not sting and have not been known to cause any human disease. They are considered to be an overwintering nuisance pest.
Do boxelder bugs cause damage?
If a home or business experiences a large number of these bugs, staining and odor may occur. There are some cases where their excrement has stained furnishings and fabric.
What can I do?
Boxelder bugs are an overwintering pest. In the Fall, sealing gaps in the foundation, fixing door seals or pipe entries will help, but these critters still seem to find their way in. As a home owner, you can vacuum the pests up and remove them as they appear. You can also remove any maple, ash and boxelder trees that may be contributing to boxelder bugs. You can help reduce boxelder bug feeding by removing seeds that have fallen to the ground from maple, ash and boxelder trees. If you are seeing them in the winter, they are in your home or building and you will probably see them throughout the winter months.
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best prevention from these bugs is to have your home treated by Terminator Pest Control in the Fall (preferably September). When populations are high, you may need to have a summer treatment program implemented. Treatments create a barrier on the structure and greatly reduce insects from entering your home or business. We will also make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants are black or red and black ants between 1/8” to 1/2” inch and queens up to 1” long. They are polymorphic which means they vary in size. You will commonly find these ants in areas where there is moist or damp wood such as window and door frames, sill plates, roofs, kitchens, bathrooms, and foam insulation. These ants can cause structural damage over time if left untreated.

Can carpenter ants harm me?
Carpenter ants do not sting and have not been known to cause any human disease. However, they do have large mouth parts and have been known to pinch or break the skin. They also can release formic acid which can enhance the pain.
Do carpenter ants cause damage?
Carpenter ants have been known to be associated with structural damage. Carpenter ants chew and excavate wood and structures to make cavities (galleries) for their nesting colony. They have been found in new and old timber, hollow core doors, foam insulation, furniture etc. However, they do not eat wood! Over time, carpenter ants can cause significant damage if a colony becomes established and left untreated. Usually a nest in a home or building is a “Satellite” colony and the main colony is outside in a tree, tree stump or a rotten structure.
What can I do?
Look to reduce moisture issues in your home or building making the environment undesirable that will help prevent these pests from establishing. Make sure moisture or rain is sloping away from your home or building. Identifying any old infested trees, stumps, old timbers, etc. and remove them. Repair roof leaks, inspect for and repair any leaking plumbing that may be contributing to moisture issues. In addition, trimming foliage and branches away from your structure will help reduce moisture issues and prevent ants from getting on the building. However, once these ants get in and established in a structure it is time to call a professional.
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
Once we properly identify the ant species, we will inspect your home or building for structural and sanitation conditions that may contribute to a carpenter ant infestation. We will thoroughly inspect to identify for insect frass (wood shavings and insect parts), behaviors and patterns that will give us an understanding of where the carpenter ant nest is residing. We will strive to make low environmental impact and strategic applications specifically designed for carpenter ant control. We will make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
While there are thousands of species of cockroaches only a few are found indoors in Wisconsin. The main cockroaches that we experience are the German cockroach, American cockroach and the Oriental cockroach. Roaches range in color from light brown to black. Roaches are between 1/4″ to 1 1/4″ long. Roaches are capable of spreading foodborne illnesses and have been associated with asthma exacerbation. Each fertile female can produce 40 nymphs every 100 days.

Can cockroaches harm me?
Cockroaches do not sting but do have the capability of biting and causing skin irritation. Cockroaches have been associated with foodborne illnesses such as salmonella and can be a contributor to asthma exacerbation. Other know illnesses that roaches have been associated with are diarrhea, dysentery, cholera and some viral diseases.
Do cockroaches cause damage?
Cockroaches have not been known to cause structural damage but high concentrations may render furniture, shelving, cabinets, etc. contaminated and unusable.
What can I do?
Good sanitation, trapping and physical removal can play a factor in lowering levels of roach infestations. However, once they become established you will need to have a professional exterminate this pest. Home remedies and over the counter products commonly fail due to the complexity of the cockroach, and the knowledge required to deliver specialized applications. This is one pest you do not want to tackle on your own!
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best prevention from cockroaches is to have your home or business treated by Terminator Pest Control. We will properly identify the roach and then develop a strategic application and treatment program specifically designed to control cockroaches. We will also make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
The European earwig (Forficula auricularia) is an insect that is about 9/16” long and is not classified as a true bug. This insect can be identified by its two pinchers at the end of the abdomen called cerci. The old wives tale of earwigs seeking the human ear and boring in the brain is not true. Earwigs can cause damage to household plants and gardens. Although quite scary, this insect is considered to be a nuisance pest.

Can earwigs harm me?
Earwigs do not sting and have not been known to cause any human disease. They are considered to be a nuisance pest.
Do earwigs cause damage?
If a home or business experiences a large number of these bugs, staining and odor may occur. Earwigs are mostly known for their destructive abilities on household plants, delicate blossoms and garden plants. For the most part, the biggest issue is that they are a nuisance and not tolerated by many people indoors.
What can I do?
Removing organic debris buildup around the outside of your home or building will help reduce populations of earwigs. Address and control any moisture issues, focusing on downspouts that should be pointed away from your home or building. Sealing gaps in the foundation, fixing door seals or pipe entries will help, but these critters still seem to find their way in. As a home owner, you can vacuum the pests up and remove them as they appear
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best prevention from these bugs is to have your home treated by Terminator Pest Control in the summer months. Our treatments will create a barrier on the structure and reduce insects from entering your home or business. We will also make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
The most common indoor flies are cluster flies, house flies, small vinegar flies and fungus gnats. Most indoor flies range from 1/16” to 1/4” long. Custer flies are an overwintering pest and need to be professionally controlled in the late summer. The house fly and fruit fly can spread disease and transfer pathogens. The female house fly can lay several batches of 100-150 eggs. Complete development can take as little as 7 days.

Can flies harm me?
Flies do not sting but have been associated with the spreading of foodborne illnesses such as Salmonella, E.coli, Shigella, Campylobacter, Enterococcus and other diseases.
Do flies cause damage?
Flies have not been known to cause structural damage.
What can I do?
Good sanitation and proper exclusion such as tight screens and seals are a few things that home owner can do to prevent flies from entering structures. To reduce house flies and blow flies make sure you have tight covers on your garbage cans and frequent waste removal to prevent flies from breading. In addition, if you encounter small vinegar flies, make sure you remove breading sources such as old trash and ripened fruit. When dealing with cluster flies it is time to call a professional!
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best prevention for most flies is to have your home treated by Terminator Pest Control throughout the summer months. We will work with you in developing a plan to control your fly infestation. We will also make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
The house mouse (Mus musculus) is the most common indoor mouse found in Wisconsin. Other small rodents that can be found are the deer mouse, white footed mouse and meadow vole (field mouse). Mice can range from 6-9” in length. Mice can range in color from grey to light brown and brown with white underbellies. Mice can enter structures with gaps and openings of ¼” in diameter or less. Diseases such as hantavirus can be spread by the deer mouse and white-footed mouse. A female mouse is capable of producing up to eight litters per year averaging six pups per litter.

Can mice harm me?
Mice can bite and have been known to carry many diseases. In particular, the deer mouse and white-footed mouse can carry the respiratory hantavirus. Mice also have been linked to human and food borne diseases like Tularemia, Leptospirosis and Salmonella.
Do mice cause damage?
Mice can gnaw and chew through a variety of structures. Mice have been known to chew wires that have been linked to fires in homes and businesses. Mice can also cause structural damage by the contamination of their feces and urine. Depending on the size of the colony, mice can damage and consume large amounts of food and feed.
What can I do?
Sealing gaps in the foundation, fixing door seals or pipe entries will help prevent this pest from entering. Managing sanitation and reducing food sources will also help lessen the attractiveness of this pest to your home or business. If you are removing droppings and waste from mice, be sure to take extra precaution because of the diseases associated with rodents. Due to the complexity of mice, it is best left up to the professional especially if this critter is living in your home or structure.
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best way to control and eliminate mice is to call Terminator Pest Control. We will inspect your home or building for points of entry and identify contributing sanitation concerns. We can also provide rodent proofing, sanitation and removal of rodent feces. We will work together in developing an effective mouse management and control program.
Occasional Invaders
Some of Wisconsin occasional invaders are centipedes, millipedes, sow/pill bugs and springtails. The house centipede is a common occasional invader about 1” long and has 15 pairs of legs. The house centipede feeds on other insects such as spiders, bedbugs, ants, pill bugs and other invertebrates. The house centipede is capable of delivering a painful sting but rarely occurs with people.

Can Occasional Invaders harm me?
Some occasional invaders can deliver a painful sting such as the house centipede. Most occasional invaders in Wisconsin are considered to be a nuisance pest.
Do Occasional Invaders cause damage?
Occasional Invaders have not been known to cause structural damage.
What can I do?
Removing organic debris buildup around the outside of your home or building will help reduce populations of occasional invaders. Address and control any moisture issues, focusing on downspouts that should be pointed away from your home or building. Reduce moisture inside of the structure by running dehumidifiers in damp and moist areas. Sealing gaps in the foundation, fixing door seals or pipe entries will help, but these critters still seem to find their way in. As a home owner, you can vacuum the pests up and remove them as they appear.
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best prevention for these bugs is to have your home treated by Terminator Pest Control in the summer months. Our treatments will create a barrier on the structure and reduce crawling pests from entering your home or business. We will also make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
The Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) is the only rat currently found in Wisconsin. This grey to black rat can be up to 17” (total) in length and can weigh up to 20 ½ ounces. Rats can enter structures with gaps and openings of ½“ in diameter. They live in burrows and will eat just about anything. Norway rats are nocturnal but if you see them in the daytime it usually means there is a large population. Rats are a destructive pest that has been linked to a variety of diseases and damage. Female rats are capable of having seven litters in a year. Each litter has 2 to 14 young.

Can rats harm me?
Rats can bite and have been known to carry many diseases. They have been known to be a carrier reservoir linked to the spread of the bubonic plague and other diseases and bacteria such as murine typhus, leptospirosis, salmonellosis and rat bite fever.
Do rats cause damage?
Rats can gnaw and chew through just about any structure. Rats have been known to chew wires that have been linked to fires in homes and businesses. Rats can cause structural damage from contamination by their feces and urine. Depending on the size of the colony, rats can damage and consume large amounts of food and feed.
What can I do?
Sealing gaps in the foundation, fixing door seals or pipe entries will help prevent this pest from entering. Managing sanitation and reducing food sources and water will also help lessen the attractiveness to your home or business. However, due to the complexity of Norway rats, it is best left up to the professional especially if this critter is living in your home or structure. This is one pest you do not want to tackle on your own!
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best way to control and eliminate Norway rats is to call Terminator Pest Control. We will inspect your home or building for points of entry, sanitation and moisture management. We can also provide rodent proofing, sanitation and removal of rodent feces. We will work together in developing an effective Norway rat management and control program.
Small Ants
Small ants are brown, black, red or yellow between 1/16″ to 1/4″ inch long. Most small ants found in Wisconsin within structures include: pavement ant, small honey ant, thief ant, little black ant and acrobat ant. Some small ants are capable of painful stings in addition to releasing formic acid. Most small ants are considered a nuisance pest.

Can small ants harm me?
Some ants are capable of delivering a painful sting enhanced by releasing formic acid. Most small ants in Wisconsin are considered to be a nuisance pest.
Do small ants cause damage?
Some small ants, like the acrobat ant, have been found in old carpenter ant chambers and water damaged structures. Several other species of small ants can live inside the structure but do not cause structural damage.
What can I do?
Look to reduce moisture in your home or building making the environment undesirable, preventing these pests from establishing. Remove or repair any rotten or damaged wood on or in your home or building. In addition, trimming foliage and branches away from your structure will help reduce moisture issues and prevent ants from getting on the building. Cleaning up food spillage and good sanitation can help in the reduction of these nuisance pests.
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
Once we properly identify the ant species, we will inspect your home or building for structural and sanitation conditions that may contribute to an ant infestation. We will strive to make a low environmental impact and strategic applications specifically designed for small ant control. We also will make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
The most common spiders found in homes and businesses are the yellow sac spider, cellar spider and house spider. Spider sizes range from 1/8” to 11/32” long. These spiders are not aggressive and usually only bite when provoked. In this region, the yellow sac spider can be a concern due to its capability of piercing the skin and delivering a very painful bite. Each house spider egg sac can contain up to 400 eggs, with a single female producing an average of 10 egg sacs per year.

Can spiders harm me?
Not all spiders are capable of piercing the human skin. The brown recluse has been known to cause necrosis and the black widow can deliver neurotoxin that can cause severe, painful reactions. Fortunately, neither one of these spiders are commonly found in Wisconsin. Some spiders in this region can bite but most of their venom does not causes necrosis. Most spider bites are often misdiagnosed and rarely occur. Spiders are considered to be an unsightly nuisance pest and generally not tolerated by people.
Do spiders cause damage?
Spiders do not cause any structural damage. However, they can create an unpleasant environment with their unsightly webbing.
What can I do?
Spiders are common in the environment and large numbers are usually associated with high moisture and water sources. Sealing gaps in the foundation, fixing door seals or pipe entries will help, but these critters seem to find their way in. Reducing lush landscaping and making sure that foliage is trimmed away from your home or business will help reduce harborage for spiders. Reducing lighting on a structure or building is also a good way to reduce the attractiveness to spiders. As a home owner, you can vacuum spiders up and remove the webs as they appear. Most of the time physical removal is time consuming and hard to keep up with especially around lakes and water sources.
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
The best prevention and control for spiders is to have your home treated by Terminator Pest Control. In some cases, monthly treatments are needed due to heavy pest pressures. Our treatments will create a barrier on the structure reducing spiders on and in your home. We will also make recommendations on what you can do to prevent further infestations.
Stinging Insects
Common stinging insects found in Wisconsin are hornets, wasps and bees. Wasps and hornets usually have smooth bodies and bees are fuzzy or have a hairy appearance. The honey bee is the only stinging insect that loses its stinger after the first sting. All of the other bees, wasps and hornets are capable of stinging multiple times due to their smooth barb. Most stinging insects are considered to be beneficial, pollinating insects, especially the honey bee. If left untreated a yellow jacket nest can contain up to 15,000 wasps in a single nest.

Can stinging insects harm me?
Most stinging insects are capable of delivering a painful sting. In some cases, people that have been stung by a hornet, wasp or bee go into anaphylactic shock and need immediate medical attention. According to the CDC, thousands of people are stung by insects each year, and as many as 90–100 people in the United States die as a result of allergic reactions. This number may be underreported as deaths may be mistakenly diagnosed as heart attacks, sunstrokes or other causes.
Do stinging insects cause damage?
Some stinging insects can create structural issues over time. Once stinging insects get established, they can cause structural issues such as blocking air intakes and venting systems. When dealing with honey bees, we recommend that you do not kill them or spray them with insecticide. Sometimes there are local bee keepers that will help relocate the colony. Once the colony has be relocated, the interior nest needs to be removed. If honey bee nests are not removed, there is a good chance that other insects and possible structural damage may occur due to the honey rotting or leaking out from the hive.
What can I do?
There is not much that a home or business owner can do because of stinging insects opportunistic behavior. The best thing you can do is once you see stinging insects nesting in and around your property is to call a professional. This is one pest you do not want to tackle on your own!
Why contact Terminator Pest Control?
Once we properly identify the stinging insect species, we will assess the situation and recommend a method of control. We can also make exterior applications to the structure that will help in preventing stinging insects for establishing, especially for paper wasps.
Terminator Pest Control’s Bed Bug Heat Treatment is the most efficient and effective way to get rid of bed bugs once and for all – often in just one treatment.
Most people prefer pests stay outside their homes, which is why Terminator Pest Control’s Gold and Platinum Pest Protection Plans are so popular.
At Terminator, we know that pest problems aren’t just bad for customer and employee health and safety; they’re also bad for business.
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Questions? Comments? Want a free quote for your pest problem? Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.